Gillardeau Oyster, recommended by the Grand Hyatt Hotel

2019-03-19 17:07    admin

     Main food materials: Gillardeau Fresh Oyster, Frosista Caviar, Garlic Bolt, Aniseed

     Fresh oyster and Caviar are the most common companions from traditional classic recipes. Fresh oyster together with Frosista Caviar, like a juvenile newly meets a young girl, like swallowing down a whole sea.


     Frosista caviar has a pure fresh taste, last softly and long, feels like nut cream. The taste of sea fills between the teeth, then comes out very slowly.

     The soft meat, salty taste, and smooth flavor of fresh oyster need to be mulled over in slow rhythm for enjoy. Once it gets to your stomach, it feels like you are breathing a whole sea.


     Frosista Caviar has a rich flavour, while the fresh oyster has a refreshing taste. One is mild and indirect, the other one is frank, they makes a good companion. The two are being thought as aphrodisiac ingredients. That is why they are well popular with in the Europe for more than a thousand of years.